THE TRAGEDY OF GUARDIANSHIP FRAUD Silverado Senior Living Sued for False
Imprisonment and Battery of Elderly
Silverado Senior Living of Sugarland was sued this week in the 129th Judicial District of Harris County, Texas, With allegations of false
imprisonment, conspiracy, assault and battery, and intentional infliction of
emotional distress for wrongfully denying a 93-year old woman the right to
leave its lock down facility. Cause No. 2014-40980; Mackey Glen
Peterson vs. David Troy Peterson, Silverado Senior Living of Sugarland, et al.Among
other allegations, the lawsuit alleges that Ruby Peterson has been forcibly
drugged with dangerous Psychotropic drugs and narcotics, prevented from leaving
Silverado's premises since August 23, 2013, denied access to her three sons, a
phone and her mail. Ruby Peterson (93) is a long time resident and
philanthropist of Baytown, Texas, where she has generously supported Lakewood
Church of Christ and other community churches through her giving.
The lawsuit alleges that Ruby's troubles began when her daughter
and son, Carol Ann Manley and David Troy Peterson of Sugarland, illegally
procured a prescription for Seroquel from David's daughter-in-law, a San
Antonio-based Geriatric Psychiatrist who has never examined Ruby. In her 93
years, Ruby has taken only one medication, Prozac, which was also procured by
her daughter for depression. Though her daughter has no medical credentials,
Carol Ann Manley maintains that her mother suffers from dementia, while her
sons insist that their mother is of sound mind with no significant health
problems beyond normal aging.Significantly, the FDA has placed a black box warning on Seroquel against the use
of this dangerous drug for elderly patients with dementia, citing the risk of
death and cerebrovasular incidents. Ruby has a longstanding heart
arrthmia, for which Seroquel is not recommended. The Merck Manual, Drug Categories of Concern for the
Elderly and American Geriatric Society Beers Criteria Update of 2012 includes
Seroquel on its list of Inappropriate Drugs for the Elderly, stating that
conventional and/or atypical antipsychotics should NOT be used in elderly
patients suspected of having dementia unless the patient is poses a serious
risk of harm to himself or others. The Merck Manual emphasizes that these dangerous drugs are only
marginally better than placebo in terms of benefit as compared with their
unjustifiable risks. These risks include increased confusion (especially in
elderly women), fatigue, confusion, tardive
dyskinesia, drug induced parkinsons. Tardive Dyskinesia involves
uncontrollable jerk, rapid, unsuppressable movements of the muscles, especially
in the face. Carol Ann Manley and David Peterson placed their mother at
Silverado's Memory Care facility in August of 2013 by virtue of their 1993
Durable Power of Attorney over Ruby's HealthCare Needs. This document also
grants them the right to complete control of her estimated $2,000,000 estate
and trust. Carol Ann insists that her mother is "completely demented"
and is nothing more than a shell of a person no longer there, which the
spritely 93 year old vigorously disagrees with! The State of Texas apparently
agrees, granting Ruby's request for two year extension of her driver's license
in 2013, having passed all tests. Her sons are adamant that their mother is
quite healthy, as evidenced by her acute sense of humor. A finding of
incapacity can only be made by a Texas Judge. Moreover, Texas Law prohibits
psychiatric "commitment" or "institutionalization" without
a Court Order. No Judge has ordered that Ruby be committed or refused egress
from Silverado, yet Silverado is accused of repeatedly refusing Ruby's requests
and demands to leave. FALSE IMPRISONMENT AND CONSPIRACY Silverado is accused of falsely imprisoning Ruby against her
will in a conspiracy with Carol Ann and David, though they maintain that Ruby
has the right to come and go from its "assisted living" facility just
like any other patient. Since her August admission, Silverado has found a
reason to deny her this right every time she has requested permission to leave,
ultimately stating that Carol Ann said "no." Ruby is not permitted to
leave for lunch, shopping, social events, holidays, or any purpose other than in
Silverado's van. She has been repeatedly denied egress with her sons, with Mack
being turned away in November from taking Ruby to his Central Texas home for a
vacation as she cried with her bag packed, ready to go. From November through Christmas of 2013, her sons were denied
all contact with their mother, which was only restored when they hired a lawyer
to sue for Guardianship in Probate Court No. 1. Ruby spent the holidays under
the watchful eye of Silverado personnel after being informed that she could no
longer have unsupervised visits with her sons. After Ruby requested that an
attorney be retained to prepare a New Durable Power of Attorney last November
and signed the same, Silverado personnel called the police and threatened to
have them arrested for trespass if they ever returned. In response to their
request of when they could see their mother again, they were told "when
she's dead." To date, Silverado Senior Living has categorically refused to
acknowledge the 2013 Durable Power of Attorney executed by Ruby Peterson,
revoking the 1993 POA that is the source of her misery. Though Ruby remains trapped inside Silverado's Memory Care
facility, her sons are now permitted to visit her, subject to restrictions set
forth by Carol Ann's attorney,Sarah Pacheco of
Crain Caton Probate Firm. They must provide 12 hours notice of their intent to
visit to Carol Ann or David. Visits can last no longer than 2 hours and the
brothers are not permitted to visit Ruby as a family, but must do so
apart.Significantly, Ruby Peterson has not been adjudicated to be
"incapacitated" or made a ward of the State of Texas through
guardianship proceedings. The Waco Court of Appeals ruled in 1970 that a nursing home
commits the tort of false imprisonment by restricting the physical liberty of a
person without sufficient legal justification, upholding a jury verdict against
Big Town Nursing Home, Inc. for actual and punitive damages. False imprisonment
is also potentially criminal, listed as a Class A Misdemeanor. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO LIBERTY AND DUE PROCESS The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution eloquently
reminds us that, No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State
deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of
law.... Inherent in the Due Process Clause is the idea that the United
States Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and any State law which
purports to conflict with it is void ("Supremacy Clause"). The Texas
Constitution, Articles I and V echoe this protection. The Elderly Bill of Rights found in Section 102 of the
Human Resource Code codifies Constitutional mandates, further listing rights of
the elderly, whether or not the individual is incapacitated. In addition to the
rights enjoyed by all Americans, the Elderly have the right to be free from
exploitation, neglect, abuse, chemical restraints other than in emergency
situations, humiliation, invasion of privacy, or unauthorized restriction upon
their liberty and ability to participate in social activities. Section 102
specifically addresses an elderly individual's right to unopened mail and free
access to communication, such as via telephone. Yet, this lawsuit alleges that the Defendants have repeatedly
and routinely denied Ruby access to her mail or a phone, taken the cell phones
purchased by her sons from her, diverted mail she wrote to her sons, and even
humiliated her by having two large women strip her nude and shower her when
they knew she could do this alone in the privacy of her own room. What seems
rather clear under Texas law and Ruby's case is that Silverado is in trouble. ANTI-PSYCHOTIC ABUSE IN NURSING HOMES The July issue of AARP Magazine features a
special report on Drug Abuse in Nursing Homes that mirrors what Ruby Peterson
is enduring at Silverado Senior Living in Sugarland, Texas. The beginning
paragraph details the downspiral and unconscionable death of Patricia Thomas, a
79 year old Alzheimer's patient and is illustrative of the gist of this
Nationwide problem. Kathi Levine, Thomas' daughter, says that only 18 days
after entering a nursing home, her mother was not the same person she knew any
longer, but was found "withdrawn, slumped in a wheelchair with her head
down, chewing on her hand, her speech garbled" just shortly before she
died--from the heavy duty illegal antipsychotics the nursing home chemically
restrained her with. One has to wonder what rationale could exist to drug an
elderly women, wheelchair bound, into a drug induced stupor? Levine says it's
because "profit is more important than people." With that statement, the Peterson brothers would agree. But this
scenario is by no means limited to Ms. Ruby. In fact, AARP negotiated a large
scale settlement with California based nursing homes illegally drugging their
elderly patients with antipsychotics on July 14, 2014. This settlement is
expected to result in sweeping National reform as nursing homes and assisted
living facilities engaged in this unconscionable illegal practice face similar
lawsuits. Some experts estimate that 50-75% of nursing home and assisted
living patients are being improperly and/or illegally chemically restrained
with these highly dangerous drugs. The reason is clear. Corporations charged
with care of the elderly are placing overhead and profits above their ethical,
moral and legal obligations to the elderly. Toby Edelman, Attorney at the
Center for Medicare Advocacy in D.C. says "when nursing facilities divert
funds from the care of residents to corporate overhead and profits, the human
toll is enormous." The United States Department of Justice just settled one of the
largest healthcare settlements in U.S. History against Johnson & Johnson
and subsidiaries, fined more than $2.2 billion to resolve civil
and criminal charges in connection with their aggressive marketing of antipsychotics
for improper use in elderly patients. The DOJ found extensive kickbacks to
Physicians working in nursing facilities in exchange for prescribing the
dangerous drugs. A report issued by the Inspector General of the Department of
Health and Human Services in March revealed that as many as one-third of
Medicare patients suffered harm in nursing homes from these practices--which
was preventable. Inspector General Daniel Levinson said, "Anti-psychotic
drugs are intended for people with severe mental illness, such as patients with
schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. As such, they carry the FDA black box
warning that they are not intended for frail older people or patients with
Alzheimer's or dementia. In those poplulations, these drugs can trigger agitation,
anxiety, confusion, disorientation, and even death." They can dull a
patient's memory and sap their personality, turning them into virtual zombies,
according to California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform. INVOLUNTARY CHEMICAL RESTRAINT One of the most egregious allegations in the Peterson lawsuit is
that Silverado personnel are engaged in the practice of involuntary chemical
restraint of Ruby Peterson. The Peterson brothers' lawsuit attests to
witnessing Silverado personnel sneak as many as 11 different medications into
their mother's "vitamin drink" after Ruby refused the medications,
stating they made her sick. Apparently, the attendant did not inform Ruby that
she had "spiked" her vitamin drink and her family reports that within
20-30 minutes, Ruby was almost incoherent, slumped over in her wheelchair and
confused--to the extent she could even speak at all. The brothers reported that
Ruby was drugged against her will as frequently as three times per day and even
awakened during the night for more drugs. Given that Ruby is an extremely tiny,
docile woman who is so easily deceived by her naivety, she cannot reasonably be
deemed dangerous or violent to justify the involuntary administration of these
drugs. So why is she getting them? California
Advocates for Nursing Home Reform cite chronic
understaffing and money as the reason for this unconscionable and potentially
illegal practice. Nationally, dementia is on the rise by a three fold increase
due to baby boomers reaching retirement age. CAHHR explains that these
facilities place profits over the needs of dementia patients, grossly
understaff facilities with poorly trained CNAs who work for mere dollars per
hour with as little as 75 hours of on the job training. There is high turnover
due to employee exhaustion and burnout. Nursing home patients require a high
level of care and many facilities simply do not want the burden of using
behavior modification to control patients' behavior, particularly when a strong
antipsychotic will accomplish their objectives for hours to come. Fortunately, a move is underway to implement more humane,
patient-centered treatments and interventions--the Beatitudes
Facility in Phoenix, Arizona being a model for reform. Rated
by U.S. News and World Reports as one of
the top Nursing facilities in the United States, the Beatitudes is
not part of a chain, which is probably the recipe in their award winning
formula, caring for the elderly. And if the word
"Beatitudes" rings a bell, it denotes the Beatitudes in the Holy
Bible, with the Campus being an outgrowth of the Church of the Beatitudes. With statistics showing that hospice experienced a sharp decline
in humane practices as it transitioned from a volunteer based organization to a
multi-billion dollar industry, the lesson should be clear. Privatization of
health care for the elderly in facilities managed by huge corporate
conglomerates--is harming the elderly, hastening their deaths unnecessarily and
destroying their quality of life. Bloomberg's 2011 feature, "Preparing Americans for Death lets For Profit Hospices Neglect
End of Life" illustrates with shocking, rather graphic perspective. SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING Silverado Senior
Living is a large
corporate conglomerate that operates "memory care" facilities in many
States, including California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Washington,
Illinois and Wisconsin. In the Greater Houston Metroplex, Silverado operates
facilities in Kingwood, Sugarland, Cypresswood, and the Woodlands. The two
areas of practice emphasized in Silverado's expertise are memory care and
hospice. Harris County District Court records reveal two prior lawsuits against
its Cypresswood and Sugarland faciities. With allegations of overmedication
similar to those brought in Ruby's case, a Kingwood area woman is currently to
file her lawsuit against the Corporation. The Peterson lawsuit is certainly complex, but the Peterson
brothers are hoping that Corporate Executives will take interest in their
mother's plight and ensure that prompt, appropriate measures are instituted to
recify the harm to them and their mother, as well as prevent this from happening
in the future with other patients. A hearing is scheduled for July 28, 2014 in
the 129th Judicial District Court on the Peterson Brothers' Emergency
Application for Temporary Injunction, in which they hope to secure Ruby's
freedom and stop Silverado from drugging her against her will. |