THE TRAGEDY OF GUARDIANSHIP FRAUD Reversible Cognitive Disorder -
A primary reason that accurate
diagnosis is so important among people exhibiting cognitive problems is that
some causes of cognitive impairment are reversible. Consider the costs -
physically, emotionally, and financially - of diagnosing someone with irreversible
dementia when, in fact, the problem could have been reversed. Reversible
conditions creating cognitive problems include pseudodementia, medical
conditions, and delirium. Pseudodementia
Pseudodementia is a situation where a
person who has depression also has cognitive impairment that looks like
dementia. Depression is a mental disorder that includes a depressed mood that
lasts at least two weeks accompanied by the loss of interest or pleasure in
nearly all activities, feelings of guilt or suicidality, social withdrawal, and
sleep and appetite disturbances. Depression can also create cognitive symptoms
such as difficulty thinking clearly, problems concentrating, and difficulty
making decisions. For more detailed information about the symptoms of depression,
please click here
to visit our associated topic center. Pseudodementia is not permanent; once a
person's depression is successfully treated, his or her cognitive symptoms will
go away as well. Diagnosis
Estimates suggest that between 2% and
32% of older individuals who experience cognitive problems actually have
pseudodementia. However, this number may not be completely accurate, because it
is often tricky to distinguish between depression and dementia in older adults.
A thorough clinical interview can reveal important clues about the proper
diagnosis. For instance, while people with depression may complain of having
memory problems and appear upset about them, they will usually perform well on
objective neuropsychological tests of memory administered in a clinician's
office. On the other hand, individuals with dementia will often deny having any
problems with memory or minimize their importance, and display impairment on neuropsychological
tests. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) (described in an earlier section is often used to help differentiate between pseudodementia and other forms of dementia. Results from the GDS are combined other information about a person's history and current functioning to help with diagnosis. For example, people with pseudodementia typically do not have a history of mood swings (unless they have Bipolar Disorder, an illness characterized by repetitive swings in mood and energy levels) and are likely to score high (high = more depressed) on the GDS. In contrast, people with dementia usually show a range of emotions, sometimes responding to situations with an inappropriate emotion (e.g., laughing while others are sad). Pseudodementia From Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia Jump to: , search Pseudodementia is a syndrome seen in
older people in which they exhibit symptoms consistent with dementia but the cause is a
pre-existing psychiatric illness rather than a degenerative one. The name is derived
from the combining form of the "Ancient Greek:"
"ψευδής" (pseudēs,
"false, lying"), prepended to "dementia". Pseudodementia has been
partially linked in a small amount to "Bipolar disorder"-Type I, linked in a
case of a 21 year-old female patient. The patient was shown to have "Vitamin B12" (possibly the "Vitamin B" "group") and Folate or "Folic acid" deficiencies; which
were thought to be partially responsible. Especially, due to the underlying
affects that can be attributed to "Bipolar spectrum" disorder(s). This also
helps to solidify the idea of pseudodementia being caused by underlying
psychiatric illnesses.
people with predominant cognitive symptoms such as loss of memory, and
vagueness, as well as prominent slowing of movement and reduced or slowed
speech, were sometimes misdiagnosed as having dementia when further
investigation showed they were suffering from a "Major depressive episode". This was an important
distinction as the former was untreatable and progressive and the latter
treatable with "Antidepressant" therapy or "Electroconvulsive_therapy" or both.
[-] History and
controversy of term The
term was first coined in 1961 by psychiatrist Leslie Kiloh, who noticed patients
with cognitive symptoms consistent with dementia who improved with treatment.
His term was mainly descriptive. The clinical
phenomenon, however, was well-known since the late 19th century.span
style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman"'>
about the classification and features of the syndrome,
and the misleading nature of the name, led to proposals that the term be
dropped. However, proponents
argue that although it is not a defined singular concept with a precise set of
symptoms, it is a practical and useful term which has held up well in clinical
practice, and also highlights those who may have a treatable condition. [-] Presentation and
differential The
history of disturbance in pseudodementia is often short and abrupt onset, while
dementia is more often insidious. Clinically, people with pseudodementia differ
from those with true dementia when their memory is tested. They will often
answer that they don't know the answer to a question, and their attention and
concentration are often intact, and they may appear upset or distressed. Those
with true dementia will often give wrong answers, have poor attention and
concentration, and appear indifferent or unconcerned. Investigations such as SPECT imaging of the brain show reduced blood flow in areas of the brain in people with Alzheimer's disease, compared with a more normal blood flow in those with pseudodementia. Images of
dementia versus pseudodementia Dementia Overview As
the population ages, the incidence of dementia in the U.S. will become
an even more common problem and take up an even larger percentage of the health
care budget. With the advent of new medications that slow the course of some
dementing processes, diagnostic tools that help in the early differential
diagnosis of dementia is essential. The SPECT pattern for Alzheimer’s Disease
is typically bilateral hypoperfusion in the parietal and temporal regions of
the brain with frontal lobe hypoperfusion occurring later in the illness. Multi-infarct
dementia is characterized by multiple areas of decreased perfusion. HIV
dementia is typically seen by decreased patchy uptake across the cortex. Frontal
lobe dementias (as the name indicates) are often characterized by very poor
frontal lobe perfusion. Psuedodementia (another condition, such as
depression, that clinically appears like dementia) will not have a typical
dementia pattern and may be more like a depression pattern. Here
are several examples of how SPECT can be useful in the evaluation and treatment
of dementia-like presentations.
Frank, a wealthy, well-educated man, entered his seventies, he began to grow
forgetful. At first it was over small things, but as time went on the lapses of
memory progressed to the point where he often forgot essential facts of his
life: where he lived, his wife’s name and even his own name. His wife and
children, not understanding the change in behavior, were aggravated with his
absent-mindedness and often angry at him for it. Frank’s SPECT study showed a
marked suppression across the entire brain, but especially in the frontal
lobes, the parietal lobes and temporal lobes. This was a classic Alzheimer’s
disease pattern. By showing the family these images and pointing out the
physiological cause of Frank’s forgetfulness, in living images, I helped them
understand that he was not trying to be annoying, but had a serious medical
problem. Consequently,
instead of blaming him for his memory lapses, they began to show compassion
towards him, and they developed strategies to deal more effectively with the
problems of living with a person who has Alzheimer’s Disease. In addition, I
placed Frank on new experimental treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease that seemed
to slow the progression of the illness. Alzheimer’s Disease Here
is a scan of a 92 year old man with Alzheimer’s Disease who had become
forgetful, frequently lost away from home, forgot how to do simple things such
as dress himself and began getting aggressive with his wife. Notice the
extensive frontal lobe involvement.
treatment notice good overall activity, with increased limbic system activity
(center arrow), after treatment with Wellbutrin the limbic system normalizes. I
first met Margaret when she was 68 years old. Her appearance was ragged and
unkempt. She lived alone and her family was worried because she appeared to
have symptoms of serious dementia. They finally admitted her to the psychiatric
hospital where I worked after she nearly burned the house down by leaving a
stove burner on. When I consulted with the family I also found out that
Margaret often forgot the names of her own children and frequently got lost
when driving her car. Her driving habits deteriorated to the point where the
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) had to take away her license after four
minor accidents in a six month period. At the time when Margaret’s family saw
me, some members had had enough and were ready to put her into a supervised living
situation. Some family members, however, were against the idea and wanted her
hospitalized for further evaluation. While
at first glance it may have appeared that Margaret was suffering from
Alzheimer’s Disease, the results of her SPECT study showed full activity in her
frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. If she had Alzheimer’s Disease, there
should have been evidence of decreased blood flow in those areas. Instead, the
only abnormal activity shown on Margaret’s SPECT was in the limbic system at
the center of the brain where the activity was increased. Often, this is a
finding in people suffering from depression. Sometimes in the elderly it can be
difficult to distinguish between Alzheimer’s Disease and depression because the
symptoms can be similar. Yet with pseudodementia (depression masquerading as
dementia), a person may appear demented, yet not be at all. This is an
important distinction to make because a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease would
lead to prescribing a set of coping strategies to the family and possibly new
experimental medications, whereas a diagnosis of some form of depression would
lead to prescribing an aggressive treatment of antidepressant medication for
the patient along with psychother-apy. Here
is another example.
treatment notice poor prefrontal cortex activity and increased limbic system
activity, after treatment with imipramine the limbic system normalizes and the
prefrontal cortex improves significantly. Table of Contents More SPECT Brain Images | | Why SPECT Scans |